AEROSPACE: Low-power DSP-based processor board for micro-satellites
AEROSPACE: Simulators for ARGOS and SARSAT satellite beacons
ASTRONOMY: Spectroscopic data acquisition instruments
ASTROPHYSICS: SUNRISE mission - Study of the solar magnetic field
AVIONICS: In-flight test instruments for the Airbus A380 and A400M
CONTROL & AUTOMATION: Scanners for sawmills (Edging, Green and Dry sorting)
DEFENSE: Portable humanitarian mine detection systems
EMBEDDED VISION: Real time target tracking algorithm
ENERGY PHYSICS: Digital Low Level RF System - ALBA Synchrotron Accelerator
ENERGY PHYSICS: DSP-based RF control system for FAIR
IMAGING: Microstrip detector for X-ray spectroscopy
MILITARY: Altitude interference mitigation module system
MIMO RADAR: Software defined radio and Radar (SDR)
TELECOMMUNICATIONS: Communication interoperability and Cognitive Radio
WIRELESS: Exploring 60GHz Band Wireless Communication


The Multi-Channel, Multi-Mode Receiver (MCMM-RX) system is a four channels wide bandwidth radio receiver using a Innovative Integration X5 210M card in a industrial or compact PCI computer. Custom logic is implemented in the Virtex5 SX95T for the signal processing and data flow controls. Inputs to the system are four analog inputs and sample rate clocks upto 180 MHz into four receive channels. Each channel has independent software defined tuner and baseband demodulation. Demodulation module includes BPSK, QPSK, pi/4 QPSK, and 8PSK. MCMM-RX can be integrated into a PC architecture computer system with data recording capability using RAID array or hard disks.
This proposal describes the development of a high speed 2 GSPS waveform digitizing, analysis, and recording system for a LIDAR system. The result of development described in this proposal is a LIDAR receiver on a single electronics module able to identify up to 16 targets for a pulse repetition period from 10us to 100us. The receiver reports the time, dispersion, and amplitude of each echo pulse, and maximum pulse amplitude in each return relating to the target distance and composition. Significant developments include signal processing firmware for analyzing the LIDAR pulse in real-time. The signal processing method as outlined in this proposal, enables the LIDAR receiver functionality in the digitizer hardware as firmware.
Digital Down Conversion (DDC) and Digital Up Conversion (DUC)
Wideband DDC - BW of 40MHz
Wideband DDC - BW of 70MHz
Digital Receiver - 8 Independent DDC Channels
Digital Receiver - 64 Independent DDC Channels
Ultra Wideband Digital Down Converter - BW of 300 MHz
Ultra Wideband Digital Down Converter - BW of 500 MHz
X6-400M Digital Down Converter - BW of 10 MHz
How a Modular Approach Can Optimize Design-for-Deployment for Signal Beamforming Applications
Ultrasound Beamforming Transceiver
PSK Demodulation
High Performance PSK Demodulator in FPGA [PDF]
Custom Project Creation - Muliti-channel Multi-Mode Receiver [PDF]
Radio Receiver Using Innovative's PMC DR [PDF]
Sample Clock Offset Detection & Correction in the LTE Downlink [PDF]
Real-Time LTE Channel Emulation IP Cores & Instruments [PDF]
Pulse Repetition Interval (PRI)
Programmable Pulse Repetition Interval firmware usage on X6 XMC modules [Video]
Arbitrary Waveform Generation
Multi-channel High Speed Arbitrary Waveform Generation System with X5-TX [PDF]
Band-limited Noise Source Generator at 1GHz Data Rate [PDF]
Digital Signal Processing
Ultrasonic Receiver
Physical Layer Interface
Camera Link Receiver Interface
Data Logger
Wideband Recorder with Andale Data Logger
eInstrument PC
XMC and COM Module Standards Accelerate Deployment of Smart, Embedded Software Radio Systems [PDF]
Spectrum Analysis
Digital Receiver - Spectral Analysis Firmware (Res. 25Hz)
Digital Receiver - Spectral Analysis Firmware (Res. 25KHz)