GRCon17 將在09/11~09/15於美國加州聖地牙哥巴伊亞渡假飯店舉行
Innovative Integration公司今年作為銀級贊助商與參展商在GRCon17亮相,與各路菁英共同交流GNU Radio新技術的發展 詳情請參閱 https://www.gnuradio.org/grcon-2017/

Innovative Integration Announces the COPious-PXIe Embedded PXIe module with Zynq Z7045 coprocessor &
Camarillo, CA January 13, 2017:Innovative Integration, a Molex Company and trusted supplier of signal processing and data acquisition...

Using fixed-beam LiDAR Sensors in UAV altimeter applications
How a commercial fixed-wing UAS manufacturer enables safer, smoother landings by integrating inexpensive fixed-beam LiDAR technology. The...

Innovative Integration shipping PXIe module with >3 GHz bandwidth for 5G Design & Testing
Camarillo, CA November 5, 2016, Innovative Integration, a trusted supplier of signal processing and data acquisition hardware and...

LED與檢測技術的結合 共促新型測距應用的發展
與光的渡越時間(Time of Flight)原理相結合,脈衝LED可以用來實現目標檢測以及距離測量等應用,且不存在距離限制或誤報缺陷,Michael Poulin寫道 高功效LED技術以及波束成形光學的不斷發展﹐讓LED得以有希望將應用領域擴展到距離測量及目標探測(檢測)...

Leddar Sensors Road Test for ADAS and Autonomous Driving
LeddarTech demonstrates how Leddar sensors provide fast and accurate detection capabilities for road vehicles, in any environment. ...

LeddarTech's Ground-Breaking Industrial Leddar® Sensor
At the heart of the Industrial Leddar® Sensor lies a patented Leddar® Technology, designed to detect, locate and measure all types of...

2016 Digital Instruments Preliminiary
Off-the Shelf Instruments Cost efficitive, ready-to-use instruments Flexible deployment - in the field or on the bench-top GP-DSP...

LeddarTech - Mastering Optical Detection and Ranging
Leddar is a unique technology implemented into chipsets, enabling countless sensing applications by being easily integrated into custom...

Innovative Integration -- a molex company
We are pleased to announce that Innovative Integration has been acquired by Molex LLC, through the sale of our parent company...